The Wild do love me! They are sending me off to hockey hell with two exciting wins over Detroit and Chicago. Zetterdouche, Triangle Head, and Kane have nothing on my boys, especially now that Koivu is back and playing almost 20 minutes!
The Detroit game was exciting right down to the shootout finish. I was watching the game while IMing with Steph, and I almost felt badly about gloating, but since the Red Wings have destroyed the Wild this season, I was quickly able to quash that guilt. Backstrom got pulled after four goals allowed, and Josh Harding was a rockstar in net for us. The Wings scored with just over a minute left in the third, and I freaked, but less than 20 seconds later Eric Belanger became my hero of life when he batted the puck out of the air and scored. Burns then spun him around in a circle. Gaborik got his first shootout goal, blah blah, we win! HOORAY! WE BEAT THE RED WINGS! Final score: 6-5 SO. Parrish's goal streak was broken. :( But on a lighter note, we beat the Red Wings, so I don't care.
The next night I was all excited because Koivu was coming back, and because we were playing the Blackhawks. We seem to have their number, so I was pretty much counting on them winning. (Bad karma I know, but I can't help myself!) Josh Harding was a rockstar again in net, and the Wild beat the Blackhawks by a score of 5-2. We played them hard, Veilleux really, really should learn how to fight better, but Parrish got a goal, and like I mentioned earlier, Koivu played 19 and some change minutes. It was an awesome game, and a nice win over a traditional rival.
I'm heading back to school tomorrow, so tonight I've had HNIC on, and the Hotstove segment was a howl. Talking all about the Leafs and their problems. The guys were practically yelling at each other and Referee Ron had to step in and shut them up so we could distinguish what exactly was being said by who. They then talked a bit about the new Wild ownership, but I'm sick of hearing about that until I see what happens. Now I will watch the Leafs possibly get destroyed by another west coast team...but for now apparently we only get to see Joe Thornton and his huge butt skate around in circles. Now I'm getting to watch Dominic Moore play with the Leafs for the first time. Lovely.
Also, Elise (18,568 Reasons Why...) pointed me to NHL.tv where there is a good clip with Mark Parrish under "What's New". Burns is also in a clip with a ridiculous hat talking about his zoo some more. She's my hero of life for the day, because as I'm sure everyone has now noticed, I'm a huge Mark Parrish fan...
Oh yeah, one more thing. We play the Coyotes tomorrow. My mom and brother will be at the game *sniff*. The Coyotes have been reasonably good lately, and for them miraculously good. According various CBC people, Turris will up with them before the end of the season. Playing the Coyotes always makes me a little bit sad, because I hate seeing Wayne Gretzky as Coach Gretzky. I liked happy, amazing, hockey playing Gretzky much, much better. That's all I really have on them other than that they beat Vancouver last night! (I'm tired and sick, what do you want?) For the Coyotes POV, I direct you as always to my fine HLOG sisters who cover the Coyotes at True Coyote Love, and Hip Shot Blog.